It is required for food traders, importers and exporters to comply with the laws and regulations implemented by the Saudi Food & Drug Authority.
MOTABAQAH is a Notified Body by Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA) to perform tests, inspect shipments and certify a wide range of food products for conformity purposes.
Saudi Arabia imports food products in millions of metric tons every year, and its retail outlets are well equipped to carry all types of consumables, including all raw and processed food categories.
MOTABAQAH is a Notified Body by Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA). We work in collaboration with SFDA to issue Certifcates of Conformity. These certificates comply with international standards and technical regulations. However, on the requirements of standards for specific food products we can advise you further.
We actively work with our clients to inspect food shipments, ensure food safety and issue certificates of conformity.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia P.O. Box 88458 - Riyadh 11662 Al Shohda District, Abi Al Abbas Al Baghdadi Street, Building No.6720, Unit No.9655 Salma Center, 1st